Predator (E) - Read Last

I know, I know. I called this post "Predator" and I'll get to that but I first need to describe all the sappy stuff now that Lang is over. :(

Image result for crying gif 
Image result for crying gif 

 I am going to miss this class beyond belief. It was definitely a rollercoaster with many, many ups and downs but I wouldn't change it at all. Everyone in the class, all 12 of us, has such a tight bond and we literally would talk about whatever we wanted to. There was no judgment in the class ever and everyone was an equal who could share their opinion without being insulted or scoffed at. We valued one another and because of the small-sized class, we were able to succeed together. (E)

Ms. McMahon, thank you for being such an amazing teacher. You brought out the best in us that we didn't know we had and you exposed us to the real world so our heads don't stay glued to our phones 24/7. Now, I have an opinion on politics and global issues that I didn't realize I cared so much about. This class was a an eye-opener to the many problems that society has today like racial and religious discrimination, body image, stereotypes and so much more that I can't even begin to name or I'll be typing forever. (E)

Now, I am a different person than at the beginning of the year. I worked hard to get good grades but that isn't the most fulfilling thing this class gave me. The ability to see the issues in this world, to understand them, and want to do something about them is what's most important. Having an opinion matters and now I have to use my own voice to stand up for my belifs, especially in a time where our country's leadership is not at its best. I'll be old enough to vote in the next election and I have to be aware of and educated about these issues because I'm going to live in this world and I don't want it to be one full of vioelnce, destruction, and greed. (E)

Knowing and trusting what you believe in is powerful because no one can take that away from you even if they try. This is what makes the world such a frightening and amazing place to live. Without Lang, I never would have been able to realize that and everything mentioned above and more. (E)

One last thing if you couldn't already tell: I'm really going to miss this class.

Image result for i am a warrior gif


  1. You made me cry. I am grateful I got to teach you this year.


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